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Energy is the Essence of Life

Energy is the Essence of Life

“Energy flows where attention goes.” —James Redfield

In our world today, everything seems to be moving at an ever increasing speed. I find it challenging to achieve balance in all areas of my life. Maintaining a healthy energy level is essential to successfully reaching our goals in our personal and business lives.

Over the past year I shifted my focus from being continually in work mode to taking time to “sharpen the axe” and recharge my batteries. I assessed my lifestyle and decided to make changes to key elements. Below is a list of the things that helped me become more balanced and energized that may help you.

Improve Your Eating Habits. Easier said than done! Make a plan and stick to it. I began by committing to eat raw food for just 21 days. I figured if I could eat 95% raw and only cheat 5% then I’d be ahead of the game. It took adjusting every meal, but after 21 days I was hooked on eating raw whenever possible. My energy soared to youthful levels!

Exercise. Go back to training and workout with a goal. In the past, I trained a few times a week. I wasn’t really getting anywhere until I read an interesting article about setting goals and time limits. I love cycling so I set my goals to improve my race times. Each week I improved and gained more stamina to go longer.

Get Quality Sleep. As we get older, we require less sleep. Many of us do not get the sleep we need, which is vital for healthy energy levels. Create a calming nightly routine to train your body to rest. “Let go” of everything in your mind before bed. I found this difficult at first, but it has made a huge difference in my state of mind, stress levels, and the quality of my sleep. The better your sleep, the better your energy level will be the next day.

Practice Gratitude. Be thankful. See each day as a gift. No matter what challenges happen, deal with them, and learn from the experience. An attitude of gratitude alleviates a lot of unnecessary strife.

Find Time for Yourself. It is important to keep yourself strong and healthy. Do not become a martyr to your work or your family. Find the time to let go, unwind, and do something you are passionate about. Find something that excites and energizes you. In the long run you will be in better shape for your family, friends, and co-workers.

Whatever your plans are this spring and summer, make them experiences to remember. Take time to reflect on your balance in life and your energy levels. You will be amazed at how one single, small change each month can have massive results over the long term.

This month we celebrate mothers. They gave us life and it’s up to us to find the energy to live it to the fullest.

Happy Mother’s Day.

“A man doesn’t need brilliance or genius; all he needs is energy.” Albert M. Greenfield