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Reasons to be thankful you’re a small business

Reasons to be thankful you’re a small business

This Thanksgiving, we can be thankful for a Goldilocks economy, which includes rising stocks, low unemployment and the most critical economic indicator, the gross domestic product is at an ideal rate between 2-3 percent. Small businesses have additional special attributes and perks they can be thankful for. Here’s some of them to acknowledge and be proud of:

Best Leadership–Who could be a better boss than yourself? You call all the shots. You build the business the way you think is best.

Family-Operated –You can make work a family affair and have many generations be a part of the growth and success of your business. Working side-by-side with your parents or kids is very special indeed.

Plenty of Small Business Loans –The U.S. Small Business Administration posted record growth this year. There are good terms and low interest rates for small businesses and alternative financing options such as microloans. There are also financing options and grants for women-owned businesses.

Easy Marketing –Small business can be extremely successful marketing and advertising on the Internet for little cost. Through the world wide web, as a local shop you can sell your products or services to your community or worldwide.

The Freedom To Rule –Owning your own business gives you the freedom to create a workspace and environment that feels right for you and your employees. You can hire and work with who you want to work with. You can set a flexible schedule.

Help the Community –Your business helps the local community. As a successful company, you are a leader in business that can share and give back.

This holiday season, small business owners can be thankful for enduring the recession and reaping the rewards of the economic upturn. Be truly thankful to the people that helped you and your business get where it is today.

By Kathy Latus